CEOP blue button
CEOP blue button


Blue pathway (severe learning difficulties)

Students work towards achieving accreditation in both employability and independent living skills so support their preparation for adulthood.

Students work towards an Award, Certificate or Diploma in NOCN Using Employability skills. This is supported with internal and external work experience matched to work related areas in the individual units of the accreditation.

Students also work towards an Award, Certificate and Diploma in NOCN Independent Living Skills. This includes ‘Living in the Community ‘and ‘Looking After Yourself and Your Home’.

Throughout the programme units covered in both of these areas are personalised, reflecting on the needs and interests of each learner.

Yellow Pathway (Complex Needs)

Students in the yellow pathway have an option of accreditation routes matched to their personal needs and abilities. Students may follow the accreditation route of the blue pathway or OCR Life and Living Skills, depending on their needs and ability. Some students may benefit from a combination of these options.